Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Side Projects #1 : Spray Paint EVERYTHING!! (From Thrift Stores)

Recently I have been hyper-focusing on all things spray paint! Thanks to Pinterest! These projects I painted while I waited for the paint to dry on my bedside table. (See my first post)

I found quite a few treasures at the Goodwill and a local thrift store (owned by a good friend of mine). Each were fine the way I bought them, but they were not my style (as you will be able to tell I love bold and/or bright colors). 

1) I bought this curtain rod at a yard sale for $3. I did not use primer because I am an idiot the beautiful Valspar spray paint can says "Paint + Primer in one" (I should sue for false advertisement). The picture just under this one are the two rods with the paint on them. Currently, the stupid paint will not stick so I am going to strip it all down and start over. 

2) I LOVE PAINTED BRICKS!!!! So as you can see in the picture above ^ , I used a brick to hold the rods while they dried  attempted to dry in our wonderful 70% humidity in the South. Most of the brick got painted so I decided to finish it and paint the rest of it. This brick is from our old fireplace, so it has significant meaning to me. Plus I enjoyed telling my step-dad that I stole one of his bricks. Although he didn't seem to care because it was a "small" brick. 

3) You cannot really tell (because the lighting is not the best and I took the pictures with my iPhone) but this piece really DID change colors, I promise. I got this small dove statue at my friend's thrift store in my hometown. I got it for $1.40 (I think). It was originally a weird beige/cream color. I did not want this piece to be a wild/crazy color so I got a can of  Krylon "Bright White" spray paint. I love it now! I love Doves! We have so many in my neighborhood. 

4) Lastly (for this post at least), I got this beauty at Goodwill. I think that I paid about $3 for it. I have no idea what it is. My mom thinks that it is suppose to be for a large marble ball. Who knows? I might use it for loose change, or some jewelry. It was the same color as the Dove above. I got the brown/bronzy spray paint from my Cousin Dakota. We used it to redo a lamp of his (will post about it later). The paint is from the Rust-oleum brand from Wal-Mart. It costs about $5 or $6, unfortunately it was one of the more expensive cans because it is a specialty paint. When it dries it leaves pretty pattern, like random shiny circles. 

This is all for this post!! I will post more of my spray painting adventures soon! 

Let me know what you think!! :) 

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